Monday, April 25, 2011

learn to fly, time

soo emma is leaving tomorrow and school life is starting up again :{ i just wanna go home with her, i feel like ive been here long enough and im starting to really miss somethings....and some people, but i guess it will get better when sarah gets here :} i'll have my dear sis. we can be silly and stuff. sucks that i have school while she is here though...wont be able to do much stuff, and its exam time now. frick i dont wanna go back to school, this is gunna suck. i havent seen my friends all break erg. AND THEY WENT SKATING WITHOUT ME ....AGAIN. gah. hrmph well things to look forward to:
-surfing lessons
-kafryn and kirsten

Monday, April 18, 2011


gaah im sorry! emma is here and its been hectic, going places erryday. non stop. so too lazy to blog :P

Sunday, April 10, 2011

wait...wat am i eating?

just ate some skippie mate (kangaroo) haha and crocodile and emu and barramundi fish.... :P

northern composure finals: parapluie!

awe struck

this is what people live for. right here, under the water. suit on tank on mask on, 10m jump and bam! you're in the reef. as you sink all is chaos, waves, bubbles and people surrounding you for the first 5m then 2m lower and coral starts to come in focus. Bright greens, pink, and spongey browns. little fishes surround you, each one you see different, like a snow flake none the same. there is so much to look at you dont know where to turn. so you float and just watch. The water is green and vibrant and the thrashing waves sway you side to side, but they aren't threatening down here. then all of a sudden someone, cant tell who, is waving and pointing at something, can't tell wat, and are signaling for me to swim forward. so i start swimming wondering wat it could be. as i get closer i realize its not just a fish but a big green sea turtle! with wide eyes looking right at me. there it is, just hanging out, munching on some seaweed. people start going insane, taking pictures, petting it, swimming with it. i gotta say that turtle was my favorite thing that day. the dive goes on, so many fish too many different colors to count. some small, smaller than my pinky, and some huge! half my size. I spotted a shark and showed everyone, it was a white tipped reef shark. just cruizin along minding his own business. today was amazing. got a bit sea sick on the way there, but also saw some dolphins swimming along side the boat, so that was a nice distraction from me wanting to vomit. pictures will be up soon. hopefully the underwater camera worked. :} i shall report back tomorrow... going on a rainforest tour :) and im going to hold/cuddle a koala!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

cairns (pronounced cans )

so beautiful and tropical here. we are going out on a boat tomorrow so we can go out on the reef. me and dad are going on three dives :) we just rented the underwater camera! hope this works. then the day after that we are going on a rainforest tour, gunna be epic! and to this butterfly place where they are massive and come and sit on emma this would be your worst nightmare

Sunday, April 3, 2011


went boating all day today. it was so beautiful sailed by the open ocean :) and i even got to drive the boat for a while!

Friday, April 1, 2011

the biebs

going to see justin bieber with sarah.....again....but this time in australia. lol oh dear dear sister you are crazy :P zomg i bought a bathing suit with the astralian flag on it...its hella sexy :P and im going on a boat trip tomorrow!!!! wooohoo livin large on a boat. hope i dont get sea sick