Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Would you like the chicken or lasagna? thanks i'd rather go vomit.
i am definately re-scarred by may be a while before i can eat italian again haha
ughhh kay im gunna stop thinking about it
the only plane food i can handle is the desserts....they are always delicious. no joke. mmmmm fudge brownie from breakfast lunch and dinner :p
silly seventeen hour flight. you thought i couldn't handle you, you thought i would break down ten hours in but NO i win this time HA.

So i"m now here! wooo and all settled. My apartment is bitchin, but im pretty sure there is no air conditioning....O_O kill me now?
its so hot and sweaty here. everyone is really friendly so far. AND OMG THERE ARE SO MANY ASIANS! its insane. total asian invasion. OH and the toilets totaly flush the other way.

I'm legitimately about a block away from the beach. i can see it when i stand out on my terrace.
I miss all you guys. GO ON FACEBOOK I'M LONLEY!

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